
The Never-Ending Paint Job

The kitchen painting project started a week ago today and we are still knee-deep in the white stuff.

 We've been trying to get in at least one session per day, but the ugly brown isn't going down without a fight.
 Making messes.
 Paint chaos.
 It'll be well worth it in the end, you can already see the room brightening up.

We're hoping to be finished by the end of the week. Uncle John, we don't know how you do it.


We Went Cheapin'

We had our eye on a kitchen table at Crate & Barrel, but found this old farm table at an antique store for less than half the price.  
Hooking the legs back up to the table.
We also found these twin beds at the same store.  They're the perfect shape and size for this room.  Doesn't the shape and the posts remind you of the red beds in Sophia Cottage?
Bear cut his paw pad (again).  Not as bad as last time, though.  He didn't need stitches.  We've been calling him blue foot.
The headboards close up.  
 The table all set, cleaned with pledge so it's all shiny.  And the chandalieryyy!
 The next day we went to the Liquidation Warehouse (where the wiglets came from) and found this beauty. They were having a huge sale on chandeliers, and this one was marked down to $125. It was too good to be true.  I think I'm going to get some crystals to hang from the curls.
 Oh hello.
Another treasure at the Liquidation Warehouse.

We're ordering benches for the table, so it'll be ready for winetime a pawdey.


Home in Progress

I set up the dining room today.  The wine rack came from Yiayia's garage.  It's ready for winetime.
Recognize those flags?
View of the kitchen from the dining room.  Go Terps.
Same view, just a little farther left.
Words to live by...
Espresso, Pantry, and Bear's food.  Necessities.
Our brand new (free) microwave some friends didn't need anymore.  And Papou next to the Kitchen Aid.
The family room.  Hunter and Hank successfully hung the TV yesterday.  Using string and a weight (like a fishing pole), Hunter hid the wires behind the wall.  Donald also found a new home.
The backyard and new fence.
Other side of the fence....and Robert Wrenn's house.
Bear likes the side porch.
The family room.
The bookselves are all set up.
We need a source for firewood, we've been burning through bags pretty quickly.
Upstairs bathroom in the hallway.  Storypeople, starfish, and the fluffy shower curtain make it feel like Maine.
 ...and Bubs too.
New floor madness.
More madness.
Our room gets lots of light from the three windows.

Big closets,and a view into the master bathroom.

Moving Day

We woke up on Saturday morning to a surprise snow shower.  The roads were clear, so we were free to move and enjoy the fresh snow.

Bear was afraid we would leave him behind, so he spent most of his time in and out of the truck as we loaded things up. 
Taking a quick break from the heavy lifting...