
Dogs Being Dogs

 Garden & Gun included Bear in Dogs Being Dogs (#15).  He is always a dog being a dog who thinks he's a person.



Inside Voices

This is my most recent purchase as a new school counselor embarking on a journey into elementary school.   I'm not too keen on the idea of raising my voice to the students to gather their attention in class.  Hopefully these chimes will do the trick.

Via Turning Life


Happy 97th Birthday Grammy!

I hope to live to be as graceful, beautiful, smart, witty, sweet, and determined as you are.  Here's to many, many more.

Hello, M.Ed.

Two years later, we found the finish line.

Thank you to my personal photographer, Amalia.


Fresh Herbs

I've been referring to my new herb garden as an investment considering how many fresh herbs I buy at the store.  I hope it grows to be true to its name.